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Funding Guidelines - What are the expectations of the trust?

In general the Broadley Trust is seeking to establish longer-term mutually beneficial relationships with its grantees.  The Trustees expect:

  • Projects will demonstrate an innovative approach to a social problem which can be clearly articulated

  • Projects will have a clear program logic, that is, have a methodology directed towards the achievement of particular outcomes

  • Projects will be able to demonstrate through the presentation of data that the outcomes have been achieved or approached.

Creating sustainable and measurable impact

The Broadley Trust is keen to help organisations move towards a Rights Based Approach to programming that treats beneficiaries as rights holders, with entitlements to be claimed from the state and service providers - the duty bearers.  (More information about this approach can be found on the web.)  In brief, this approach aims to achieve more equal power relations among stakeholders by encouraging duty bearers to meet their human rights obligations and empowering the rights holders to claim these rights.

Trustees will negotiate an accountability arrangement with each grantee but is generally keen for organisations to use an outcomes measurement framework.  (There are resources available on the web to assist organisations to understand and comply with outcomes frameworks.) For projects and organisations, the performance measures look at quality and efficiency but focus on outcomes and whether rights holders are left empowered as a result of the intervention.   These accountability arrangements are not however expected to be onerous.  During the implementation of a project the grantee may approach Trustees for support and advice.  Equally, Trustees may seek to become involved in a project to enable learning to occur on both sides.

The Trustees commit to respectful conversations with prospective partners prior to decisions about grant agreements. In general, the Trust proactively contacts organisations that are already contributing to the current priority areas of the Trust.

If an organisation is eligible for a grant a detailed application form is sent for completion.